At it's October 10th meeting, Council's Midtown Committee of the Whole received a presentation from Jacob's Consulting which was prepared to provide Council and residents with information on where they stand in their Phase 1 work, as well as the identification of work to be completed in the remaining phases.
Following questions and comments from the general public, a comprehensive spreadsheet was shared with Council by Ward 3 Councillors taken from the Town and Region's 2021 Area Servicing Plan.

Key measures are Floor Space Index (FSI), Percentage of Developable Land, People Per Unit (PPU), Number of Residential Units, Commercial Space and Heights.
The report uses Floor Space Index numbers between 4.8 and 7.4%, indicates percentage developable land on each plot, shows heights at 20 or less storeys and People Per Unit at 2.03.
These are key factors in land use permissions. Our request to the consultant is that they provide the Committee with a similar spreadsheet for each of the draft concepts they will provide at this November's meeting.
This ensures we are all clear on the scale and intensity of the draft OPA being created.